ELSS vs Equity Mutual Fund: Difference between ELSS and Equity Mutual Fund
While both are equity mutual funds what is the difference between ELSS and Equity Mutual Fund. So, what is exactly the difference between these 2 investments. To start with we know that both are equity oriented mutual funds. Equity mutual...

Retirement Funds Vs NPS: Which is Better for Retirement Planning?
Planning Your Investments for Old Age Retirement is a new phase of life for working individuals. It is the time when you can finally say goodbye to the stresses of work life. Though it can be a little overwhelming for...

Best NRI Investment Options
Living out of India has its advantages. NRI earns in dollars and works with the most developed economies of the world. Some NRIs wonder whether living and earning out of India debars them from investing in India. And if not...

Best SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) Mutual Funds in India
A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) in mutual funds allows investors to withdraw their investments systematically. In other words, investors can withdraw a selected amount from their investments at predetermined intervals. Thus, the SWP option is an excellent way to earn...

SIP vs RD – Which is Best?
The financial market in India has been witnessing many changes in recent years. New financial instruments have gained importance along with the previous instruments that exist. Hence, there are plenty of investment options in the industry, like stocks, Bank FD...
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Best Investment Plans for 1 Year
When exploring the best investment plans for 1 year, balancing capital safety and liquidity is important. Whether looking at a 1-year investment plan with a high return or wanting to grow your money steadily, the idea is to earn reasonable...

Fixed Deposit vs Target Maturity Fund
Target Maturity Funds (TMF) are passively managed debt mutual fund schemes where the underlying securities are aligned to a specific maturity date. The fund portfolio replicates the performance of the underlying index they follow (like Nifty PSU bond, Nifty SDL,...

SIP Vs PPF – Which is Best?
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) are long-term investment options. Though they belong to different asset categories both of them are suitable to fulfil your long-term financial goals. However, each of these investments involves different levels of...