What Are Funds? Meaning, Types & Concept of Funds Explained
What is a fund? A fund is formed by pooling money from multiple investors. The fund is a pool of money set aside for a specific purpose. Professionals manage funds and invest the money in financial securities. A fund manager...
Gold Investment: How to Invest in Gold in India
Gold is perhaps the most coveted and desired asset in India. In India, gold investment happens in 4 different ways. The most popular one being in physical form. However, gold mutual funds, gold ETFs, and sovereign gold bonds are gaining...
Personal Finance Myths
Myths are ancient stories passed down through time. Personal finance existed from the time money came into existence in the world. Hence there are myths about it. However, they only change from time to time, with investment vehicle available in...
Investment vs Gambling: Difference Between Investment and Gambling
6 Definite Difference Between Investing and Gambling Is investing and gambling the same? I heard most of the people saying they won’t invest in shares or mutual funds are they don’t like to gamble. However, investing and gambling are two...
Hierarchy of Investment Needs
Abraham Maslow proposed a motivational theory called hierarchy of needs. He stressed the importance of satisfying the needs at the bottom of the pyramid first before moving to the next level of needs. One needs to prioritize their needs where...
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What to Do With Bonus Money | Find the Best Way to Invest Bonus Money
It is that time of the year when people are all geared up to receive their annual bonus for all the hard work they have put in throughout the year. People generally use lumpsum bonus amount for various purposes such...
What is a Zero Coupon Bond? Understanding Its Meaning & Formula
Zero coupon bonds are fixed income securities that don't pay any interest. At the time of maturity, the investor is paid the face value or par value. These bonds come with 10-15 years maturity. Hence, they trade at a deep...
Hedge Funds: Meaning, Working, Taxation, How to Invest In It
What is Hedging? Hedging is an investment strategy to protect profits or limit losses of one asset by buying or selling another asset. In other words, it is when investors protect their investments from future price movements. It is a...