Sharvaani S

Sharvaani is an experienced content marketer with a demonstrated history of working across industries such as ecommerce, fintech, AI/ML, edtech and B2B SaaS. She is skilled at content creation, content marketing, social media management, writing for public relations.

reduce the number of your credit cards to one

Reduce The Number Of Your Credit Cards To One

When you reduce your credit cards to just one, you can manage your expenses in a much easier way.

scripbox bank image

One bank account is all you need

This 15 part series helps you identify and complete a single task every day for 15 days to take charge of your financial life. Over these 15 tasks, you will know more about your money and how to make it work harder while having to do less work and also worry less.

automate bill payments blog image

Automate your bill payments. Here’s how.

Automating your monthly payments helps you to remove things from your to-do lists, it also helps you keep track of your expenses, not to mention, it gives you more time for more important tasks.

unemployment insurance

Do You Have Unemployment Insurance?

Yes, you heard us right! It’s “unemployment insurance”, not life, health, or automobile insurance that we are familiar with. Unemployment insurance covers for your expenses if you are suddenly dismissed from your job, for no shortcoming of your own, but due to other factors. These factors could range from annual cost cutting to impact of recession in the industry.

committed with money

How My Relationship With Money Went From “Complicated” To “Committed” In A Year

Everyone has a unique relationship with money. But this equation changes in different stages of life. Money can mean something new to you in every stage of life, from being a student to a professional.

Practical Insights For Wealth Creation

Our weekly finance newsletter with insights you can use

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credit card bill

4 Easy Steps To Control Your Credit Card Bill

I decided to address my troubling credit card situation and put a leash on my bad habits. I have come up with a personal strategy to achieve this and I would like to share these tips with you, as well.

education loan

4 things to keep in mind before taking an education loan

What most people don’t realise, is that an education loan is also the first big financial decision we make – and one that stays with us for almost 5-6 years into our working lives. We came up with a list of things that would help you make a better decision.

lvitton blog

How I will buy a crazy expensive luxury handbag with my fresher’s salary

A Louis Vuitton bag is a dream for many, a reality for some and an extravagance for a number of rational, financially responsible individuals. Yes, we all have our perception of what an LV bag is, and more importantly, what...