Trupti Jalan

Trupti Jalan is a Certified Financial Planner. She has diversified and rich experience in personal finance for more than 5 years. Her previous associations were with asset management companies and investment advising firms. She brings in financial markets subject matter expertise to the team and create easy going investment content for the readers.

flexi fixed deposit scheme

Flexi Fixed Deposit Scheme

Fixed Deposits or FDs are one of the most popular and traditional savings instruments in India. Also, there are different types of fixed deposits offered by banks for various financial requirements. Thus, one such modified version of bank fixed deposits...

Scripbox Learning Resources

Fixed Deposit vs Savings Account

Every person works hard to make a living and provide the best for their families. Also, it is important to have sufficient savings to meet your immediate requirements and meet your financial goals. However, keeping all the money in a...

fd vs life insurance plans

FD vs Life Insurance Plans

Among the different financial products available in India, fixed deposit (FD) and life insurance plans are the most popular investment products. Even though a life insurance plan is an insurance product, it is perceived as an investment product for many...

fcnr deposit

FCNR Deposit

What is an FCNR Deposit? FCNR refers to Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account. Thus, FCNR account is a fixed deposit account that provides Non-Resident Indians with an option to park their foreign earnings in different banks of India. Also, this account...

bond vs fixed deposit

Bond vs Fixed Deposit

Bonds and fixed deposits are the most popular choices among investors with low-risk tolerance levels. Also, both of these fixed income instruments offer fixed interest income to investors. However, they are different from each other on various parameters. This article...

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monthly dividend mutual funds

Best Monthly Dividend Paying Mutual Funds 2024 [Sort by Returns]

Sometimes, mutual fund investors prefer an income in the form of a dividend from their investments. This income is useful for any inevitable expenses that may incur or sometimes as regular income as well. This is when the investors opt...

small cap mid cap large cap

Large Cap vs Mid Cap Vs Small Cap Funds – Which is Better?

Beginners who are venturing into mutual funds might have many questions about where to invest. At the same time, some investors have sufficient knowledge to determine which fund is the right choice for them based on their investment strategy. One...

open ended vs close ended

Open Ended Funds vs Close Ended Funds

Mutual fund investments are among the most popular and attractive investments available in the market. Investment in mutual funds helps the investors to get exposure in debt and equity funds. Mutual funds are categorized based on their character, which includes...