Trupti Jalan

Trupti Jalan is a Certified Financial Planner. She has diversified and rich experience in personal finance for more than 5 years. Her previous associations were with asset management companies and investment advising firms. She brings in financial markets subject matter expertise to the team and create easy going investment content for the readers.

Best US Infra Company Stocks

 Popular Infrastructure Stocks in the USA

US Infrastructure Sector Outlook Any region's economic growth largely depends on its infrastructure. Basic services, including roads, electricity, water systems, telephones, public utilities, railways, and airports, propel economic activity by facilitating trade and movement. Increased infrastructure spending spurs manufacturing and...

Best US EV Company Stocks

Popular Electric Vehicle (EV) Stocks in the USA

US Electric Vehicle Sector The United States of America is the third largest electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing country in the world, after China and European countries. Though electric vehicles were introduced in the late 1990s, they became popular only a...

Best US Chemical Company Stocks

Popular Chemical Stocks in the USA

US Chemicals Sector The US chemical industry is one of the largest chemical producers in the world and accounts for almost 15% of global chemical production. Also, even within the country, the chemical industry accounts for almost 25% of the...

best investment options for women

Best Investment Options For Women

Women empowerment has been remarkable in India over the last few years. Women are not only educated but also independent financially and socially. They are capable enough to lead a family, organisation and society. Saving money is a key priority...

benefits of investing in ipos

Benefits of Investing in IPO

A stock market is a popular way to build wealth. Similarly, investing in an IPO in the stock market has several advantages in both the short and long term. You can enjoy the steady growth of your investments over time....

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What is a Bear Market?

Bear Market

What is a Bear Market? A bear market is an extended period of fall in the price of the investment. It occurs when the investment falls by more than 20% from its recent high. Not just markets but individual stocks...

What is the 50/30/20 Rule of Budgeting?

50/30/20 Rule of Budgeting

What is the 50/30/20 Rule of Budgeting?  The 50/30/20 rule of budgeting is a simple method that helps you manage your money more effectively. This basic thumb rule is to divide your post-tax income into three spending categories - 50%...

Scripbox Learning Resources

Why Do Indians Prefer Fixed Deposits?

Indians prefer fixed deposits because they offer fixed and assured returns on their investments. Basically, you know what you will receive at the end of your tenure. Therefore, it becomes easy to trust and helps you plan your investments accordingly....