Earning and Saving

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Fixed deposit VS Debt funds

FD or Debt Funds? 5 things you must know before you decide.

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save and invest

Use these 8 simple tricks to be in charge of your expenses and save more

All of us understand the benefits of saving and managing our money better. It seems simple enough – put aside a small amount every month as savings. Yet many of us find it hard to save and our expenses leave us struggling at the end of every month.

retirement planning

What really matters when investing for retirement

Your cost of living will double every 14 years, assuming a 5% annual rate of inflation.

emergency fund expense

Why you should treat your emergency fund as an expense

Your emergency fund is not a use and forget fund

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are you saving enough

“I am 32 and married. Am I saving enough?”

Whether you save 5% or 50% of your monthly income, how do you come to know if that is “enough”?

got your salary

Got Your Salary? Here’s The First Thing You Should Do

So starting this month, begin paying yourself first rather than your expenses and make the shift towards financial freedom.

why i save Blog

The only reason why I save

For me, saving is not so much about saving for the future but to buy time when I need to. We work for a salary because we want to or because we have obligations to meet. Make no mistake, when we work for a salary we are giving up the time to pay for our present and our future. Loans mean we pay for our past too.