Shivani Chaluvadi

Shivani Chaluvadi is an avid investor in the Indian markets. She is an MBA graduate and through her writing inspires many readers to start their investment journey. Her expertise lies in communicating a complex financial concept in a simplified way. As an entrepreneur, she believes in grabbing every opportunity that comes her way. She brings more than four years of financial markets expertise to the team.

return on investment (roi)

What is Return on Investment & How to Calculate ROI?

Every investment is made to earn a return. Tracking performance regularly is necessary. It is more relevant for market-driven investments like mutual funds. Return on Investment (ROI) is one metric that’ll help in understanding the performance of an investment. What...

how to increase sip amount

How to Increase SIP Amount? Know About Step-Up SIP

Annual appraisals have begun and most of you’ll have already planned on how to spend that extra bucks from the salary hike. For those who are not keen on spending that amount, must’ve planned on investing it. The investing clan...

difference between etf vs fof

FOF vs ETF: Key Differences Between FOF and ETF Investment

Both Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Fund of Funds (FOFs) are different types of mutual funds that are passively managed. However, these two investments are nowhere similar. While one invests in benchmark indexes, another invests in other funds. This article...

nri account

What is NRI Account? Types, Advantages & How to Open

A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) account can be opened by an NRI or PIO with any authorized bank in India. In India, there are three types of NRI accounts, namely, NRE account, NRO account, and FCNR account. This article covers NRI...

nifty bees

What is Nifty Bees? Meaning, Best Nifty Bees, and How to Invest

Nifty BeEs is an exchange-traded fund that replicates the S&P CNX Nifty Index. It is the first ETF introduced by the benchmark in 2002 January. It trades on the National Stock Exchange and hence can be bought or sold in...

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What is Redeemable Debt? Understanding Redeemable and Irredeemable Debt

What is a redeemable security? Redeemable security is the one which can be liquidated into cash by the issuer at investor's request. The most common redeemable security available in the market is the open-ended mutual fund. Any open-ended mutual fund...

life insurance claims

What Is the 3-Year Rule in Term Insurance and Claim Rejections?

Insurance companies cannot reject claims made on policies over three years. According to the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015 Section 45 no claim can be repudiated (rejected) after 3 years of the policy being in force even if the fraud...

financial literacy

What is Financial Literacy? Meaning, Importance, and Why It Matters

Financial literacy is the ability to manage one's money. The goal of financial literacy is to help in understanding financial concepts that will help them to manage their money better. It is a life skill that one must grasp for...