Shivani Chaluvadi

Shivani Chaluvadi is an avid investor in the Indian markets. She is an MBA graduate and through her writing inspires many readers to start their investment journey. Her expertise lies in communicating a complex financial concept in a simplified way. As an entrepreneur, she believes in grabbing every opportunity that comes her way. She brings more than four years of financial markets expertise to the team.

debit card vs credit card

When to Choose a Debit Card vs a Credit Card

There is no right or wrong answer when the question is to choose between a credit or debit card. All that matters is whether you have understood the pros and cons of each. Most of the millennials are opting for...

current price

Understanding the Current Price and its Types in Different Markets

In terms of finance, the current price is the last traded price of a financial security. It is the most reliable indicator of a security's current value. The current price of a security depends on the demand and supply forces....

compound interest formula

Compounding Daily Vs Annually

How Does Compounding works? Which is better compounded daily or annually? Compounding means earning interest on interest. It doesn't matter when the investor receives the interest. However, the number of compounding periods do make a difference. The more the...

commodity index

Commodity Index – Meaning and How it Works?

A commodity index is an alternative investment vehicle that tracks the prices and returns on investment of a basket of commodities. It tracks currencies, agri commodities, energy products, precious metals, industrial metals, etc. The value of the index depends on...

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Celebrate at affordable prices!

They say the most pure form of love is what we receive from our parents. They love with no expectations. It’s unconditional. That said, it’s not a bad idea to do something special for them. What do parents expect at...

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Bond Meaning

Bonds are investment products that fall under the fixed income asset class. They are instruments that allow the government or corporations to raise money publicly or privately for funding various projects. They pay an interest rate for the money borrowed....

best investment plan

Best Investment Plan for Middle Class

The middle class income group has a major share of the Indian population. Hence the government schemes and policies mostly revolve around this income group during the budget announcements. There is a plethora of investment plans available for middle class...

bandhan bank savings account interest rate

Bandhan Bank Savings Account

Bandhan Bank offers a wide range of savings accounts for different types of investor needs. All the Bandhan Bank Savings Accounts have an interest in the range of 3%-7.15%. Also, Bandhan Bank offers phone banking, net banking, and mobile banking...