Index Funds vs Large Cap Funds: Difference Between Large Cap and Index Fund
Index funds are mutual funds that mimic the benchmark, also aiming to give market returns at lower costs. On the other hand, large-cap funds are actively managed portfolios by fund managers that invest in large-cap companies. They come with additional...

Sortino Ratio: Importance, Formula and Calculation
What is Sortino Ratio in Mutual Funds? The Sortino ratio in mutual funds is a statistical tool that is useful to measure the performance of the fund with respect to the downward deviation. In other words, this ratio is used...

What are Quant Funds? : Meaning, Types and Features
The fund managers manage the mutual fund portfolio with extensive research and evaluation of voluminous data. There are different investment strategies that the fund manager uses on basis of fund objective. A mix of passive and active investing in mutual...

Gold Mutual Fund vs Gold ETF: Returns, Exit Load
There is a sentimental value and undying love for gold among Indians. Also, this has increased over the past few decades. In fact, many investors know that gold can be a great hedge against inflation and equity investment. Also, investing...

Silver ETF in India – What is Silver ETF?
Indian investors have an emotional and financial soft spot for gold and silver for decades. Besides ornamental purposes, they are also used for investment purposes. You must have purchased them in physical form like jewellery, coins, bars, etc. But we...
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Structure of Mutual Funds in India
What is the Structure of Mutual Funds? The structure of mutual funds in India is a three-tier one with few other significant components. The three-tier structure comprises the fund sponsor, trustees and the asset management company. Not only different banks...

Mutual Fund vs Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)
Indians have a sentimental value attached when it comes to investing in gold. It is the most common choice among Indians everywhere, ranging from building an asset to gifting dear ones or any milestone achievement or as an investment option....

Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds in India
What is Shariah Law? Shariah is Islam's religious law derived from the Quran. It acts as a code of living that all Muslims adhere to and includes guidelines for praying, fasting and even investing.Shariah investing means investing as per the...