Liquidity Ratio
What is Liquidity Ratio? Liquidity ratios are accounting indicators of a company's capacity to meet short-term obligations. Prospective creditors and lenders frequently use liquidity ratios to determine whether or not to extend credit to businesses. These ratios compare the amount...
Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)
What is the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)? The Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) enables residents of India to transmit up to USD 2,50,000 or its equivalent overseas every Financial Year (April-March). LRS allows you to spend money abroad on things such...
Large Cap Stocks
What are Large Cap Stocks? Large cap stocks are shares of companies whose market capitalisation is more than INR 20,000 crore. These companies are known to be more stable than mid-cap companies or small-cap companies. Furthermore, their track record and...
Kotak Bank Savings Account Interest Rates: All You Need to Know
Kotak Mahindra Bank offers an entire range of savings account for different types of investors. All the Kotak Bank Savings Accounts have an interest in the range of 3.5%-4%. Also, Kotak Mahindra Bank offers net banking and mobile banking facilities...
Key things to consider before investing in real estate
This article was first published on Moneycontrol For the last few years, the sales in the Indian residential market has been plummeting. There is a supply glut in most large markets in the country. Despite an improvement in the sales and supply...
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Is Bitcoin a Bubble or should you Invest?
Should you invest in Bitcoin or control your urge? That’s a million dollar question today. Battle lines are drawn between Bitcoin fans and critics making this a tough one to conclude. In this short read, we look at Bitcoin movements,...
Retirement Planning for Rs 5 Crore
Is it possible to retire with a corpus of Rs 5 crore at the time of retirement? Well, it depends on your age, expenses, lifestyle after retirement and how much are you willing to contribute to retirement at that age....
Irredeemable Debentures
What is Irredeemable Debentures? Irredeemable debentures are a type of debenture that cannot be redeemed during the lifetime of the company. Investors can only redeem if the company is winding up. The debenture holders enjoy an interest in these instruments...