Personal Finance Guide

Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis

Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are two different mechanisms that help in analysing the financial markets. Fundamental analysis, as the name suggests, looks at the fundamental aspect of the business. Also, it takes into account the financial and economic factors...

Fully Convertible Debentures

Companies or Governments issue debentures to raise capital from the public as a loan. Also, there are different types of debentures that a company can issue based on its fund requirement. Thus, a convertible debentures is one among them, where...

Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

What is Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds? Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds is a special type of debt instrument issued in a currency other than a home currency. An FCCB is a bond with a dual character of debt and equity instrument....

Floating Rate Bonds

Bonds are a type of debt instrument that loans money to the issuer. The issuer borrows money at a fixed or variable interest rate for a specific duration. The issuer can be government, banks or corporations. They can issue fixed-rate...

​​Floating Interest Rate

​​Floating interest rate refers to the variable interest rate that changes during the duration of the loan/ debt obligation tenure. It is opposite to the fixed interest rate system. The interest rates remain the same for the entire tenure in...

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Fixed vs Floating Interest Rate

Institutions usually charge a fixed interest rate or a floating interest rate on a home loan, business loan or personal loan. Also, along with the interest rate percentage, it is important to keep a check on the type of interest...

Fixed Interest Rate on Loan

Fixed interest rate on loans refers to the interest rate being the same for the entire duration of the loan tenure. Irrespective of the changes in repo rates by the Reserve Bank of India, the interest rates under the fixed...

fixed income instruments

Fixed Income Instruments

What are Fixed Income Instruments? Fixed income instruments or fixed income securities are debt instruments that provide returns in the form of regular or fixed interest payments. Also, there is repayment of the principal amount on the maturity date. Therefore,...