Investing Essentials

withdraw mutual fund investments

When Should You Withdraw From Your Mutual Fund Investments?

When we see our money grow all of us feel joy and the next thing we feel is an impulse to act to protect the growth. It’s a natural human reaction. So when should you withdraw your money?

capital gains tax affect your mutual funds

Can You Withdraw From Mutual Funds Without Losing To Taxes?

If you withdraw from your equity MF units after 12 months, you will not be taxed. If you withdraw from your debt funds before 3 years, the profit on the withdrawn units will be taxed at the rate for your income slab.

what is short term money

What’s Short Term Money And How Does It Help You?

I’m sure at least 2-3 things came to your mind. The money you need for these 2-3 purposes is your short term money

i am new to investing blog

“I’m new to investing. Is there an order in which I should start investing?”

How do you get started with investing? What do you save for first? "Dude, I just signed up with Scripbox. What should I save and invest for first?" A friend of mine asked me this question just after his wedding....

6 questions to ask yourself before you invest

6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Invest

Recently, a friend of mine said, “I should probably go beyond merely saving”. Now he is a person who hasn’t really invested anywhere except for keeping money in the bank.

If you have been saying this a lot to yourself thanks to peers or family or changing circumstances in your life, you might be ready for, and need, investing. You should, however, know certain basic facts about yourself and your conditions before you take the leap. Start by asking yourself these questions.

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understanding reasonable returns in investing

Understanding “Reasonable Returns” In Investing

Having a reasonable expectation of returns is the most important principle of successful investing. It helps you choose the right investment options and stay the course with your decisions.

demat account

Why A Demat Account Is Unnecessary For Investing In Mutual Funds

A Demat account is unnecessary and can prove to be absolutely wasteful when investing in mutual funds. Here’s why.

equity mf

What Are Equity Mutual Funds And How Do They Help You?

Equity funds invest the pooled investor money into shares of various companies. The gains or losses arising from the rise or drop in prices of these shares in the stock market decide the performance of the Mutual Fund.