Good Ideas

9 money lessons

9 Money Lessons You Should Teach Your Kids

These 9 lessons will prove to be important building blocks for your children and their future.

retirement planning

Save Additional Rs 3.7 Crores When You Retire with These Smart Money Saving Tips

Ultimately, a few resourceful choices can lead to a dramatic acceleration in the journey towards financial freedom.

future life calculator

5 Money conversations to have with your future life partner

One of the most important things to do before marriage is to discuss money at a high level with your chosen life partner.

tax saving options

No More Excuses! 11 Tax-saving Options That Save Tax And Grow Your Wealth

“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”- Benjamin Franklin. “tax saving investment options tax saving schemes”

9 Financial Decisions

9 Financial Decisions You Should Make Before You Turn 30

30 is an important milestone for most working people. In this article, we cover 9 important financial decisions you need to make before you turn 30.

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ulips vs mfs which one to invest

ULIPs Vs. MFs: Which One To Invest In?

What makes mutual funds significantly better than ULIPs are their lower costs, therefore better net returns.

financial planning

The 6 Most Common Financial Planning Mistakes People Make (And So Might You)

Effective financial planning is about building your wealth gradually and consistently. It entails setting specific goals, saving regularly, investing those savings, and protecting your assets. There are, however, some worryingly common financial planning mistakes that can keep you from doing any good to your money.

the power of saving early

Why I Will Always Have Less Money Than Abhay!

Abhay is a 35-year-old family guy who works at a small content management company in Bengaluru. He saves Rs. 10,000 every year. He started investing in mutual funds at the age of 25 and has managed to invest 10K every year, until 35 (for a total of 10 years). Due to family reasons, he is unable to save anymore.. and this little fund grows on its own without any further investments.