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Is there a way to independently verify that my Scripbox statements are correct?

Yes. The mutual fund company will send you transaction advices as well as monthly and quarterly statements. You can compare these to the information available in the 'Funds invested’ section of Scripbox.

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Can you sell my investments without my knowledge?

No. The mutual fund company will send you a statement of transaction within 2-3 working days after your mutual funds are redeemed. They will also usually send you an email informing you of any transactions on your account.

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Can you withdraw money from my bank account without my knowledge?

No. The transfer of funds to the mutual funds will reflect in your bank statement and in your Scripbox account. In addition, most banks will inform you by email or SMS when money is withdrawn from your bank account. We...

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How can I trust you not to misuse my bank account details and other information?

There are many safeguards built into the process to prevent Scripbox (or any third party) from misusing your confidential information. Your authorisation to the bank is very specific and only allows for money to be transferred to the mutual fund...

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How do you ensure that my money is secure?

We have built Scripbox so that you always remain the owner of your money. The money moves directly from your bank account to your mutual fund account. We keep track of it at every step on your behalf. You can...

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Are there any charges for linking my bank account for automated investments?

Scripbox does not charge you any money for linking your bank account for automated transfers. However, your bank may levy a one-time fee for linking your bank account with Scripbox. This fee is determined by the bank. Bank linking via...

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Are there any charges/penalty for a failed transaction?

Scripbox will not apply a charge/penalty for any failed transaction. However, your bank may charge you a fee for a failed ECS debit.

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If you are being paid by the mutual fund company, what is the assurance that you won’t sell me investments where you make the most commission?

The investments are selected by an unbiased and scientific method which picks mutual fund schemes that have most consistently outperformed the Nifty. The commission earned by Scripbox does not influence this selection. You can verify from the Commission Rates Table on our...