When did Scripbox start? What is your track record?
Scripbox was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act on January 10, 2012. The Scripbox.com platform was launched on January 4, 2013. Despite ups and downs, long term investors have made returns that beat inflation. Scripbox equity funds have also done...

What happens to my money if Scripbox closes down?
When you invest your money through Scripbox, it goes into mutual funds and when you withdraw it comes directly back into your bank account. It never goes into our bank account. The mutual funds are held in your name and...

What is FATCA & Why do you need it?
FATCA (short for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) is a regulation created by the US Government to curb tax evasion by US citizens. Under this regulation, assets held by US citizens in other countries now have to be reported to...

Is there any lock-in period for Scripbox Tax Saver (ELSS funds)?
The funds which Scripbox Tax Saver invests in, have a lock-in period of 3 years (The lowest lock-in for any tax saving option) after which withdrawal is allowed.

Is there any lock-in period for ELSS/Tax-Saving funds?
Yes. ELSS funds have a lock-in period of 3 years (The lowest lock-in for any tax saving option) after which you can withdraw the money paying a 10% Long term capital gains tax, for gains exceeding Rs.1 Lakh
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How does Scripbox Tax Saver (ELSS funds) compare with other 80c Tax Saving instruments?
Scripbox Tax Saver has the lowest lock-in-period, highest historic growth rate & you can start with the investment amount with as low as Rs 500. InvestmentLock-In PeriodHistorical Growth RateIs Return Taxable?Scripbox Tax Saver3 Years12-14%*Taxable (only on returns > 1 lakh...

What is the ideal time frame for investing in Scripbox Tax Saver?
Scripbox Tax Saver invests in ELSS funds which have a lock-in period of 3 years, during this withdrawal is not allowed. Although one can withdraw after the 3rd year, ELSS funds should be treated as a long-term investment as it...

How much of tax can I save with Scripbox Tax Saver?
Scripbox Tax Saver invests in ELSS funds. ELSS investments are eligible for tax benefits under section 80C of the Indian Income Tax Act. Under this section, one can invest a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. Assuming one fall under the...