How do I change my address?
You can change your address by following the below procedures. Log in to your Scripbox accountClick on Profile-->Settings-->Manage FamilyClick on your nameClick on Address-->Permanent Address-->Edit and submit Once done, request you to send the physical documents given below to our office...

How do I change my email ID?
You can change your email ID by following the below procedures: Log in to your Scripbox accountClick on PreferencesClick on EmailEnter your new email ID & re-authenticate with your Scripbox passwordClick on Submit. Once done, Please verify your new email ID...

How do I change my bank details? What are the documents required for change in bank account?
You can change your bank by following the below procedures. Log in to your Scripbox accountClick on Profile–>Settings–>Manage FamilyClick on Change Bank Click on your nameClick on Bank–>Edit and submit Once done please share the physical copies of the following documents to...

How do I retrieve my forgotten password?
You can reset your password by following the below steps: Please go to https://scripbox.com/user/signin?ref=top-nav-login. Click on ‘Login’ - available on top right corner of the screen. Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link. Enter your registered email ID and click on ‘Submit’. An email will...

I have started with my investments with Scripbox, how do I add or change my nominee details?
If you have started with your investments, you can modify nominee details by following the below procedures. Log in to your Scripbox accountClick on Manage AccountClick on Change Nominee Click on Edit & modify and/or add your nominee details.Click on Submit. Once...
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Do mutual fund companies have minimum requirements for withdrawals?
Mutual fund companies do have minimum requirements for withdrawals. You must withdraw at least Rs 1,000 when withdrawing by amount OR You must withdraw at least 50 units when withdrawing by units, unless you withdraw all units

As a result of the Scripbox Portfolio Scan there is a gap of 2 to 6 working days between withdrawal from old funds and reinvestment into the newly recommended funds. Will I miss out if the stock market does really well in that period?
The simple answer is yes, there is a possibility of this happening. We built Scripbox for disciplined long-term wealth accumulation. While short-term market swings can certainly influence the price at which you buy or sell mutual fund holdings, we believe...

Will Scripbox Portfolio Scan be run for all plans?
Scripbox Portfolio Scan will be run for all plans except Tax Saver, Principal Protection and Growth, and Outside Scripbox.