ETF vs Stock
Investors have an array of options for investing in the stock market. Besides trading in individual stocks, which offer a share of ownership in a specific company, investors can also invest in Exchange Traded Funds(ETFs). ETFs are a collection of...

Direct Equity vs Equity Mutual Funds
Often investors are confused whether they should directly invest in stocks or invest through mutual funds for equity investment. Mutual funds invest the pooled money from investors in publicly traded stocks known as equity mutual funds. On the other hand,...

Tracking Error in Index Funds
Are you looking for a passive investment fund for your financial goals? Are you looking for returns that match the stock market? Then index funds can serve your purpose. This is a passive mutual fund that tracks and replicates the...

Often investors have confusion between Initial Public Offering (IPO) and New Fund Offer (NFO). They presume that both represent similar investment opportunities. Also, both IPO and NFO are primary market offerings. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the difference between...

Interval Funds
There are several types of mutual fund schemes available in the market. SEBI has categorised different types of schemes to help investors understand them better. Also, this categorisation is based on the underlying assets they invest in, investment horizon, etc....
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Capital Protection Funds
Asset Management Companies (AMCs) offer different types of mutual fund schemes to help investors fulfil their financial goals. The schemes are segregated into various categories depending on the risk and investment objective of the scheme. Investors can choose to invest...

ETF vs Index Fund
Over the last few years, mutual funds have become a popular investment tool. Lately, there has been a focus on index funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Although index funds and exchange traded funds look very similar, they differ in...

Asset Allocation Funds
What is Asset Allocation Fund? Asset Allocation funds are balanced funds that invest in a mix of asset classes. These asset classes can be equity, debt, equity derivatives, real estate, commodities, etc. The fund portfolio is spread across more than...