Trupti Jalan

Trupti Jalan is a Certified Financial Planner. She has diversified and rich experience in personal finance for more than 5 years. Her previous associations were with asset management companies and investment advising firms. She brings in financial markets subject matter expertise to the team and create easy going investment content for the readers.

forward contract

Forward Contract

What is Forward Contract? A forward contract is a type of derivative, which is an agreement between two or more parties whose value is tied to an underlying asset. For instance, the underlying assets for the derivatives can be commodities,...

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Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)

What is Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)? Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) involves investing in securities and financial assets in another country than a home country. The securities include stocks or American Depository Receipts (ADR) of companies in an overseas country. Also,...

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 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an investment from an investor in one country into a business or corporation of another country to establish a long-lasting relationship. In other words, the investor, company or government...

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Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

What is Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds? Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds is a special type of debt instrument issued in a currency other than a home currency. An FCCB is a bond with a dual character of debt and equity instrument....

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Follow on Public Offer (FPO)

What is a Follow On Public Offer? A follow on public offer (FPO) refers to an already listed public company on a stock exchange issuing shares to the public. A follow on public offering allows companies to raise additional capital...

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Floating Rate Bonds

Bonds are a type of debt instrument that loans money to the issuer. The issuer borrows money at a fixed or variable interest rate for a specific duration. The issuer can be government, banks or corporations. They can issue fixed-rate...

fixed income instruments

Fixed Income Instruments

What are Fixed Income Instruments? Fixed income instruments or fixed income securities are debt instruments that provide returns in the form of regular or fixed interest payments. Also, there is repayment of the principal amount on the maturity date. Therefore,...

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 FIRE Movement (Financial Independence Retire Early)

What is the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Movement? This is a financial movement defined by extreme savings and investment. The FIRE movement allows you to retire early by saving up to 70% of your annual income. This accumulated fund...