NPS vs Mutual Fund
NPS vs Mutual Fund is a comparison that many investors think of while investing. The goal of retirement planning is such that it requires a well-thought-through plan. In this article, we have covered the differences between NPS and mutual funds....
FPSB India
What is Financial Planning Standards Board of India (FPSB)? Financial Planning Standards Board of India is a Public-Private Enterprise. FPSBI is a Professional Standards Setting body for Financial Planners in India. FPSB India aims to guide and oversee the development...
Asset Under Management
Assets under management (AUM) is the total market value of the investments that are held by the Mutual Fund. In simple terms, it is the money that the mutual fund is handling for their clients/investors.
It is important to analyze the assets under management since it reflects the size and success of the company. The success of the company becomes an important factor, though not the only one, that investors can consider before making any investment.
Advantages And Benefits of Mutual Funds in India Any Investment plan has its own advantages, be it for a short term or long term. Investors are usually keen on investing in Mutual Funds because of the risk management. However, needless to say, these investments also come with...
Child Plan vs Child Fund
A wide range of investment products is available for savings for different financial goals like children’s education, marriage, home buying, etc. Some of them are traditional investment products are Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), endowment insurance policies, fixed deposits, etc....
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How to Choose Mutual Funds?
The need to invest money in the most profitable and efficient manner is the first rule of any kind of investment. For a first-time investor, it is especially crucial to understand the A-Z of all kinds of investments. A beginner...
SEBI Guidelines for Mutual Funds
Investors considering investing in mutual funds should understand the SEBI guidelines for mutual funds. The SEBI MF Regulation of 1996 lays down the guidelines for the regulation of mutual funds in India. Under these guidelines, the asset management companies are...
Direct Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are financial products that are managed by experts. They give an opportunity to investors who are willing to participate in the financial markets but do not have the time and knowledge to trade daily in the stock market....