Gross Margin vs Net Margin
A company’s financial statement has all the financial information required to analyse its financial health. Experts, analysts, investors or lenders use this information to understand a company’s performance. Thus, they interpret this information with different financial tools and methodologies. One...

What is ICAI India
What do ICAI do? Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is responsible for the Standards on Auditing (SAs) applied for the Indian financial statement. It was established by an Act of Parliament to regulate the profession of Chartered Accountancy...

Should I invest in International Mutual Funds?
International mutual funds are those funds which invest predominantly in equity, equity-related instruments and debt instruments of companies listed outside India. These funds are also known as overseas or foreign funds. An investor who is looking for a long term...

Aditya Birla Sun Life Fixed Term Plan – Series TL (1839 Days) Fund Offer Review
Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund has launched a new NFO in the debt fund category: "Aditya Birla Sun Life Fixed Term Plan - Series TL (1839 days)". Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund is launching a new debt fund,...

SBI Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) – Series 50 (1843 Days) – NFO
SBI Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) Fund Reviews SBI Mutual Fund (SBI MF) to launch a new NFO in the debt fund category: SBI Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) - Series 50 (1843 days). SBI Mutual Fund is launching a new debt/...
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Kotak FMP Series 293 – 1826 days New Fund Offer
Kotak Mutual Fund is launching a new income fund, Kotak FMP Series 293 - 1826 days, that invests in money market and debt securities intending to reduce interest rate risk. The New Fund Offer (NFO) period for the Baroda Business...

Kotak RD Calculator
Check Kotak Bank RD Interest Rates Kotak RD CalculatorInputsTotal Investment₹1,20,000Tenure24 monthsInterest Rate8% p.a.Interest Earned₹10,457Maturity Value₹1,30,457 What is a Kotak Bank RD Calculator? Kotak Mahindra Bank RD calculator is an online tool that helps in estimating the interest earned by investing...

IOB RD Calculator
Check: IOB RD Interest Rates IOB RD CalculatorInputsTotal Investment₹1,80,000Tenure36 monthsInterest Rate7% p.a.Interest Earned₹20,686Maturity Value₹2,00,686 What is an IOB RD Calculator? IOB RD calculator is an online tool that helps in estimating the interest earned by investing in a recurring deposit....