Meaning & Definition

tax audit

Income Tax Audit under Section 44AB of Income Tax Act

What is an income tax audit under section 44AB? In India, various laws govern different types of audits like statutory audit, stock audit, cost audit. The core purpose of these audits is to ensure that the books of accounts are...

standard deduction income tax

Standard Deduction

What is the Standard Deduction in Income Tax? The standard deduction is beneficial for both the employers and salaried employees. For the employers, it would result in less administrative efforts in the processing of transport and medical bills. For the...

security transaction tax

Security Transaction Tax Meaning

Security Transaction Tax (STT) is a result of multiple tax evasions of capital gains tax. It was introduced to curb fraudulent transactions of tax evasion. The Government has announced STT in 2004 and was applicable from October 1st, 2004. Also,...

scripbox logo

Residential Status

What is Residential Status? The residential status of a taxpayer is important because the income tax department provides for a different tax treatment for its taxpayers. Hence, it is imperative for every taxpayer to determine their residential status before doing...

professional tax

Professional Tax

What is professional tax? Professional tax is a tax that a state government levies on any individual who earns income through any medium. Unlike the name suggests, professional tax is not just for professionals but for all individuals. The list...

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income tax

Income Tax India

The Income Tax Department has launched its new e-filing website on the 7th of June, 2021. This new portal will soon replace the existing portal The new portal is user-friendly and focuses on making the entire e-filing experience easy,...

income tax return

Which Income Tax Return Should I file? Applicability of ITR

The Income Tax Department has launched its new e-filing website on the 7th of June, 2021. This new portal will soon replace the existing portal With the main focus on a user-friendly e-filing experience for the taxpayers, the new...

income from house property

Taxes on Income From House Property

What is Income from House Property Under Section 24? House property for the purpose of income tax is any property whether land or building which an assessee owns during the financial year. The house property could be a house, building,...