Personal Finance Articles

financial literacy

What is Financial Literacy? Meaning, Importance, and Why It Matters

Financial literacy is the ability to manage one's money. The goal of financial literacy is to help in understanding financial concepts that will help them to manage their money better. It is a life skill that one must grasp for...

Personal Finance Scripbox

What Are Debentures? Features, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Every company needs funds to run its business operations. Most of the companies raise capital by issuing shares in public. However, it is not feasible for all companies which are not ready to go public. Especially new establishments. There is...

operating margin ratio

What is Operating Profit Ratio & How to Calculate It?

What is Operating Profit Ratio? The operating profit ratio is the amount of money a company makes from its operations. It demonstrates the financial sustainability of a company's basic operations prior to any financial or tax-related repercussions. As a result,...

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What is Funds from Operations (FFO): Formula, Calculation

What is Funds From Operations (FFO)? As the name suggests, Funds From Operations (FFO) is the fund or cash generated from the operating activities of the business. The operating activities mean the core business activities. These cash flows exclude activities...

scripbox logo

Time Value of Money: Importance, Objectives, Components

Time Value of Money (TVM) is a financial principle. The value of money held today is worth more than the same amount of money in the future. In simple terms, the value of INR 1,000 was worth more yesterday than...

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pnb savings account interest rate

PNB Savings Account Interest Rate & Minimum Balance 2025

Punjab National Bank offers different types of savings accounts for different types of investor needs. All the PNB Savings Accounts offer an interest of 3%. PNB offers net banking and also mobile banking facilities. It also allows investors to choose...

Personal Finance Scripbox

Tips for Buying Gold Jewellery: Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Gold

Gold is an alluring commodity, and people have been drawn to it for centuries. The beauty and value of Gold have made it a great investment opportunity. There are several factors to consider when buying gold to get the best...

non performing assets

What is NPA? Understanding Non-Performing Assets and Provisioning

What is a Non Performing Assets? Non Performing Asset (NPA) refers to the classification used by financial institutions for loans and advances that are in default or in arrears. A loan is in arrears when the principal is due, or...