They say the most pure form of love is what we receive from our parents. They love with no expectations. It’s unconditional.
That said, it’s not a bad idea to do something special for them. What do parents expect at 60? A peaceful retirement. What can you give them at 60? Not much except for memories.
Why not plan for a great retirement party (or a birthday party) with lots of memories for them to cherish and to celebrate the start of their peaceful retirement.
But celebrations come with a price attached to it. They become even more costly when the guest list for the party can’t be limited. Saving up for this from now is something what one should be doing if they want to have a great celebration. Saving is certainly a good solution but investment is a better alternative.
Celebrations can be achievable!
Here’s a way to achieve that goal with a monthly investment of just Rs 14,500, for the next 3 years.
We’ve budgeted the cost at Rs 6.12L at end of the goal period (3yrs). This is based on today’s cost of Rs 5L. One can always change this amount and goal duration before they choose from the portfolio suggestions.
Here’s how a balanced portfolio looks like. With 15% equity and 85% debt.
We Indians have to celebrate for everything but that comes with a price tag attached to it. Start investing with Scripbox and you will not have to bother about the price tag ever again.
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