Debt to Equity Ratio
What is Debt to Equity Ratio? The debt to equity ratio compares a company's total debt to its total equity to determine the riskiness of its financial structure. The ratio displays the proportions of debt and equity financing used by...

Cyclical Stocks: Understanding and Investing in Industries Sensitive to Economic Cycles
The economy moves in a cycle and has four stages: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. In the expansion phase, the economy grows rapidly until it reaches the peak stage. Then it slows down in the contraction stage and hits the...

Current Yield
The current yield is the return investors can expect from a bond investment in the next year. Using this, one can tell whether the bond trades at a discount or premium. What is Current Yield? Current yield is a measure...

Understanding the Current Price and its Types in Different Markets
In terms of finance, the current price is the last traded price of a financial security. It is the most reliable indicator of a security's current value. The current price of a security depends on the demand and supply forces....

Cumulative Preference Shares
What are Cumulative Preference Shares? Cumulative preference shares give shareholders the right to receive cumulative dividend payouts from the company even if they are not profitable. These dividends will be counted as arrears in years when the company is not...
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Know all about Credit Rating in India
Credit rating is an analysis of an organisation's creditworthiness and credit quality. A credit rating agency performs a detailed analysis of financial instruments of an entity. The rating scales range from AAA to D based on how safe the instruments...

Credit Market – Meaning, Types and FAQs
What is the credit market? The credit market is a financial market where the government and companies issue debt to investors to raise money. Here, the investors buy and sell securities, mostly in the form of bonds. Also, in a...

Covered Bonds
There are different refinancing debt instruments available in the financial market. Issuers can choose any type of debt instrument to raise capital based on their requirement. Also, this gives different investors opportunities to invest in various instruments creating a portfolio...