Mutual Fund Guides

best bond funds in india

Best Bonds to Invest in India

What are Bond Funds? Bond funds are a type of debt mutual fund that invests solely in bonds. These funds pool money from investors and invest in one form of bond (for example, government bonds) or a mix of bonds...

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How to Invest in Index Funds?

Index funds are a type of mutual fund that tracks the performance of a specific market index, such as the Nifty 50 or the Sensex. They are passively managed, which means they do not try to beat the market by...

types of sip

7 Different Types of Systematic Investment Plan

A systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a mode of investing in mutual funds. To invest in mutual funds, one can choose either the lump sum investment route or the SIP route. In SIP, investors can invest in mutual funds at...

how long is long term

How Long is Long Term in Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds have diverse options to choose from. There are funds for every need and each time period. There are funds for the long term and short term. For tax purposes, short term and long term are defined.  In mutual...

tax on mutual funds

Income Tax on Mutual Funds in India

Taxation on mutual funds is a complex topic. Taxes paid on your mutual fund investments vastly depend on factors such as what kind of funds you have invested in, the duration of your investment, which income tax slab you belong to and so on.

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difference between sip and mutual fund

Difference Between SIP Vs Mutual Fund

Mutual Fund investments are treated as an easy and comfortable way of investing in stocks by many investors. Professional experts, in the form of fund managers, manage and operate mutual funds. Before investing in stocks they do all the research...

best time to invest in mutual funds

Best Time to Invest in Mutual Funds

Is it a good time to invest in mutual funds? This is one of the most commonly asked questions. The best time to invest in mutual funds was 10 years ago, 1 year ago, or even 1 day ago. Confused?...

why sip investment is best way to invest

11 Reasons Why SIP Investment is Best Way to Invest?

It often takes a great deal of time and effort to accumulate a significant corpus to invest in the markets. Never delay your investment plans. Always take the plunge and start with what you have. Being able to invest small...