Absolute Return vs CAGR
Returns from an investment can be estimated using both absolute returns and CAGR. On the one hand, absolute returns are a measure of the total return from an investment, irrespective of the time period. CAGR, on the other hand, is...
What is an Index Fund?
Index Fund Meaning and Definition Index mutual funds aim to replicate a financial market index closely. These funds invest in the same securities as the benchmark index and in the same ratio. For example, an index MF that aims to...
What are Opportunity Funds?
There are different investing styles that fund managers adopt for different schemes. Depending on the investment strategy and investment mandate, the fund manager effectively looks for opportunity and invests the corpus of the scheme. Once such a mutual fund scheme...
Annual Return
What is Annual Return? The annual return is the return an investment generates in a year. It is a percentage of the initial amount of investment. If the annual return is positive, the investment has generated profits. On the other...
Rolling Returns
While investing in any mutual fund, most retail investors look at the historical returns generated by the scheme. They consider the different period returns, say 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years. This data is readily available. Also, the ultimate motive...
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Investment Fund Meaning
What are Investment Funds? Investment funds pool money from various investors with similar interests and purchase securities. Fund managers manage these funds. Each investor retains the ownership of the securities that the fund invests in. Investment funds provide a broad...
Direct Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are financial products that are managed by experts. They give an opportunity to investors who are willing to participate in the financial markets but do not have the time and knowledge to trade daily in the stock market....
What is ICAI India
What do ICAI do? Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is responsible for the Standards on Auditing (SAs) applied for the Indian financial statement. It was established by an Act of Parliament to regulate the profession of Chartered Accountancy...