Investment Strategy

choosing mid caps

Choosing the middle path in equities

Mid-cap stocks are expected to offer better growth potential for their investors than large-cap stocks but with less volatility and risk than that of smallcap stocks. But, don’t ignore the caveats.

which cap is better for you

Large, mid or small – which is your cap?

Whether you are cleaning up your equity mutual fund portfolios or starting fresh, one of the gnawing questions is always whether to add more large cap, mid cap or small cap schemes? Out of the three where should one invest ,or allocate higher amounts?

which cap is better for you

Gold – how much is too much?

If you really want to invest in gold, pure investment options like Gold ETFs (exchange-traded funds) and Gold Bonds are available. The question is, whether you should and how much?

investing in gold think before

Think before you ride the Gold trend

If you are thinking of taking up investing in gold now just to ride on the price rise, you must consider that the trend which looks good in the last 1-2 years was not as inviting for several years before that.

fd vs debt funds

Why Debt Funds continue to score over Bank FDs even after the Franklin event?

Some investors are connecting dots to infer that debt funds are a riskier lot and contemplating going back to the ‘safe-haven’ bank Fixed Deposits (FD). But would that be the right thing to do?

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volatile markets

How should investors approach volatile markets in 2020?

In general, fear and uncertainty are at an all-time high. The India VIX or volatility index is at its highest point in a decade. This is a critical phase that is likely to have a huge impact on wealth creation for equity investors. This is why most investors, especially those investing in equity mutual funds would be asking themselves, “what should we do now?”

pe ratio

The pitfalls of a valuation strategy

Valuations are easy to quote but hard to understand and interpret. Before you think that this is a sure-shot way to build an investment strategy, consider these points.

asset allocation skewed

My asset allocation has become skewed during this market fall. What should I do?

Investors now need to make informed decisions to bring their asset allocation back in alignment to their long term and short-term objectives.