Shivani Chaluvadi

Shivani Chaluvadi is an avid investor in the Indian markets. She is an MBA graduate and through her writing inspires many readers to start their investment journey. Her expertise lies in communicating a complex financial concept in a simplified way. As an entrepreneur, she believes in grabbing every opportunity that comes her way. She brings more than four years of financial markets expertise to the team.

annualized return

Annualized Return: Meaning & 5-Year, 3-Year Rate Explained

What is Annualised Return ‘Return’ is the yield that an investment generates over a period of time. It is the percentage increase or decrease in the value of the investment in that period. Returns on mutual funds are expressed in...


Inflation Meaning, Types, Causes & Definition Explained

What is Inflation in Economy? Inflation is an economic indicator that indicates the rate of rising prices of goods and services in the economy. Ultimately it shows the decrease in the buying power of the rupee. It is measured as...

salary slip

Salary Slip: Format, Download Online

What is Salary Slip? A salary slip or payslip is a document issued monthly by an employer to its employees. A salary slip contains a detailed breakdown of employee salary and deductions for a given period. This document can be either...

scripbox logo

What is Renew & Repay in FD?: Principal & Interest

Fixed deposits are the most popular and sought-after investment options in India. Investors have the freedom to choose the investment amount and tenure of the deposit. However, investors need to withdraw their investments earlier than intended to meet certain emergencies....

npv vs irr

NPV vs IRR – What is the Difference Between NPV and IRR?

Net Present Value (NPV) is a capital budgeting technique used to determine an investment's profitability. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a financial metric that estimates the return from an investment. Though both NPV vs IRR determine how profitable an...

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physical gold vs sovereign gold bond

Sovereign Gold Bond vs Physical Gold: Which is Better? Key Differences Explained

Gold is an asset that not only adds value to an investment portfolio but also helps in its diversification. Financial experts suggest that an investment portfolio should have at least 10%-20% of assets invested in gold. The main reason for...

pf balance check

How to Check PF Balance

Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is an initiative of the Government of India to encourage savings among Indians. Both employer and employee make equal contribution to the EPF scheme. One can redeem the balance in the EPF account upon retirement, unemployment...

nps s2 form

How to Change Name in NPS Account Using Form S2 Online

The National Pension System (NPS) is a Government of India initiative to encourage retirement savings. To apply for NPS, one has to fill in various forms, and there might be a chance of error while filling in the subscriber's personal...