Shivani Chaluvadi

Shivani Chaluvadi is an avid investor in the Indian markets. She is an MBA graduate and through her writing inspires many readers to start their investment journey. Her expertise lies in communicating a complex financial concept in a simplified way. As an entrepreneur, she believes in grabbing every opportunity that comes her way. She brings more than four years of financial markets expertise to the team.

risk profile

Importance of Risk Profiling in Mutual Fund

Risk and return are two sides of a coin Risk and return are two sides of the same coin. With high return comes high risk and vice versa. One needs to take the needed risk to earn the excess return....

side pocketing in mutual funds

Side Pocketing in Mutual Funds

Even though debt funds are safe among mutual funds, they are not entirely risk-free. They have many related risks, and the most common is credit risk. Credit risk or risk of default in payments is present in every debt scheme....

credit cards

Tips to Use Credit Cards Effectively in 2024

Credit cards have become a part of our life. For anything and everything, we end up using credit cards because of the rewards it offers. Credit cards have directly or indirectly increased our spending. We first spend and regret it...

delay investment

Why do we Delay Investing and How to Overcome from It?

The law of inertia states that “A body will preserve its velocity and direction so long as no force in its motion’s direction acts on it”. How an object remains in the state of rest until and unless an external...

Best Saving Plan 2023

Best Savings Plan

What is Savings Plan? Savings is something one does to achieve some long or short term goal. Savings can be a child not spending the pocket money given to him/her to buy something he/she likes later. Or a mother saving...

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financial tips for women

7 Financial Tips for Women

Women are in every field standing equally with men. Name a field and we can find women there. Investing is one such field where women are just venturing into. Let it be working women, entrepreneurs, homemakers or even students for...

mistakes of new investors

6 Mistakes to Avoid While Investing in Mutual Funds

When it comes to handling finances one is always committing mistakes. The first mistake is when we fail to realize that we have better opportunities in the market to make money than just saving it all in a bank or...

hedge fund manager

Hedge Fund Manager

A hedge fund manager is a person who manages the hedge fund. They oversee the operations of the fund. Moreover, they are responsible for the performance of the fund and protecting investor’s assets. This article covers hedge fund manager’s roles...