You discontinued rebalancing due to LTCG. How does Portfolio Scan help since you are not considering taxes and exit load?
Rebalancing was the periodic process of exiting funds we no longer recommended and reinvesting the amount you got into the current set of funds. Every time you exited a fund, we ensured that there was no cost incurred i.e., only...

Do I need to change my portfolio now?
No. You can change your portfolio at any time. We recommend that you do this soon to benefit from the expanded portfolio. If you don't do anything, your SIP (standing instruction) will go through as-is and you will continue to...

How does the upgraded portfolio help me?
The expanded portfolio mixes potential for growth with additional diversification. In this portfolio, Large Cap provides stability, Mid Cap provides additional growth and US Equity provides geographic diversification. Mid Cap: While mid cap investments were already available to you as...

How is ‘Wealth Edge’ different?
Scripbox Wealth Edge replaces “Long Term Wealth” for select investors, like you, with a large, growing portfolio.It is: An expanded and more diversified portfolioWith additional sub-asset classes: US Equity to diversify across a non-correlated market, and Mid Cap to create...

How am I able to invest in US Equity? Do I need to worry about any foreign investment rules?
Yes, it is possible to do so without having to worry about any foreign investment regulations or forex hassles. There are International fund of funds launched by Indian mutual fund companies that invest in US based mutual funds. You get...
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How are International fund of funds taxed?
International fund of funds, through which you will invest in US Equity, are taxed as non-equity funds in India. The short-term capital gains tax is at your slab rate if units are held for less than 36 months, while the...

Why have you included US Equity?
The US economy has different factors affecting it from those that affect our economy in India. Your investments in US Equity will therefore behave differently from those in Indian Equity providing you diversification advantage. There is an additional currency element...

Scripbox did not offer mid caps earlier. What changed?
Two things changed: One, with SEBI’s standardisation of mutual fund categories, sub-asset classes have become more sharply defined and funds following diversified strategies have become limited. Two, the size of portfolios that our customers, like you, are maintaining with us...