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Is it mandatory to link the bank account?

No. However, we recommend you to link the bank account for your monthly investments to take place automatically. This way you will not miss out with any of your monthly investments.

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Why do I have to upload the cheque? Or is there any alternative?

We will do the online verification of your bank account details (like account number, IFSC code, your name as per bank records, Bank’s name). In case if the online verification fails, we will need your bank cheque with your name...

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By when should I complete my KYC registration process?

If your KYC is already registered: You don't have to do it again. You can start investing immediately (unless there is change required to your KYC). If your KYC is not registered, we will need certain set of documents to process your...

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How to complete my mutual fund KYC (Resident Indians & PIO residing in India)?

Here is the list of KYC documents: Your photograph.Your Pan Card.Your address proof (Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport / Voter ID Card).KYC Authorisation Letter. (Please write on a while plan sheet of paper that “I authorise Scripbox to...

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How do I track my progress against my goal?

Each Scripbox customer is provided access to their individual plan performance dashboard. Your performance dashboard will keep you abreast of the progress against your goal. You can get details any time by logging into your Scripbox account.  In case if...

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What if I do not withdraw though I have achieved my goal?

The money will stay invested in the same set of funds & will grow accordingly until you withdraw the money. However, we will notify you once the goal is achieved. 

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Will I be able to invest lumpsum apart from the regular monthly investment (SIP)? If yes: Will the amount be added to the same plan? What difference will it bring in to my financial goal?

Once your investment plan is activated you can make a lump sum investment. Yes, the amount will be added to the same plan.It will act as a booster (it will help you to achieve your financial goal faster).

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How do I get my Capital gain tax statement?

Please find the below steps to download Capital Gain tax statement: Login to your Scripbox account Click on Account statement Click on Capital GainsThen click on Realised Capital GainsYou will find an option to download or email the statement.