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What are the risks involved during the investment period?

As investments are made in mutual funds in your name, risks are limited. There is no risk of fraud  - You will receive statements from the mutual fund companies directlyThere is some risk of changing market conditions, which is managed...

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Since mutual fund investments fluctuate, how will you ensure that my goal amount is not impacted?

All long term plans have a built in option to reduce your exposure to stock market as you near your goal. More of your investments will be moved to lower risk investments as your goal approaches. This is called a...

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Will you automatically redeem funds and transfer the amount to my bank account once my goal is achieved?

Once your goal is achieved (the total amount will accumulate in your plan), we will notify you. As and when you need it you will need to place a withdrawal. The money will be transferred to your bank account directly...

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How long will my SIP run?

Your SIP will run as per the investment instruction.  When you start a SIP, you indicate 4 things Start date (eg: 15 April 2019)Date on which you will invest every month (eg: 15th of every month)Duration (years/ months)Amount (eg: Rs...

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Is the goal amount assured?

All of our offerings are planning tools which you use to create a plan to achieve your goals. Every plan, as the name suggests, is a series of steps you would take to achieve your goals. These include: Investing a...

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What growth rate can I expect?

The growth rate you get is a function of the mix of equity & debt that is suggested for your goals. This mix also changes over time and a blended rate is assumed while planning. We make the following assumptions for planning...

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Which mutual funds will I be investing in?

The recommended mutual funds are personalised for you based on Your goalYears to achieving goalYour growth preferencesAmount being invested These are shown to you when you activate the plan.

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Will I need to start investing right away if I click on Activate Plan?

No. Investing for the plan is a separate step. When you click on activate plan, we take you through the first few steps of investing Confirm the amountDetermine the type of funds and the list of funds which you would...