Trupti Jalan

Trupti Jalan is a Certified Financial Planner. She has diversified and rich experience in personal finance for more than 5 years. Her previous associations were with asset management companies and investment advising firms. She brings in financial markets subject matter expertise to the team and create easy going investment content for the readers.

difference between ulips vs ppf vs mf


There are many investment options available in the market for investors to choose from based on their preferences. However, it gets difficult to determine which investment vehicle is suitable for achieving your financial goals. Should you invest in shares or...

opportunity fund

What are Opportunity Funds?

There are different investing styles that fund managers adopt for different schemes. Depending on the investment strategy and investment mandate, the fund manager effectively looks for opportunity and invests the corpus of the scheme. Once such a mutual fund scheme...

ex dividend date

Ex Dividend Date

What is Ex Dividend Date? A dividend is a portion of the company’s profit distributed among the shareholders. A company can pay dividends in the form of cash or stock. There are four dates associated while declaring the interim or...

rupee cost averaging

Rupee Cost Averaging

What is Rupee Cost Averaging? Rupee cost averaging is a strategy where you aim to reduce your average investment cost by investing regularly in the market. It follows the same principle as buy low and sell high, but slightly different....

axis nasdaq 100 fund of fund offer review

Axis NASDAQ 100 Fund of Fund NFO Review

Axis to launch a new fund in the fund of fund category: Axis NASDAQ 100 Fund of Fund Axis Mutual Fund is launching a new FOF, Axis NASDAQ 100 Fund of Fund, that invests in units of ETFs focussed on...

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lic multi cap fund nfo review

LIC Multi Cap Fund Offer Review

LIC to launch a new NFO in the diversified equity category: LIC MultiCap Fund. LIC Mutual Fund is launching a new multi cap fund, LIC Multi Cap Fund, that offers a diversified portfolio by investing across market caps. The New...

rolling returns

Rolling Returns

While investing in any mutual fund, most retail investors look at the historical returns generated by the scheme. They consider the different period returns, say 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years. This data is readily available. Also, the ultimate motive...

IDCW in Mutual Fund

IDCW in Mutual Fund

When investing in a mutual fund scheme, investors can choose from either growth or dividend options. Also, in the dividend option, the investors will receive dividends for the profits from the underlying mutual fund scheme. Thus, the profits can be...