Hemanshi Shah

Hemanshi Shah is a content contributor in Scripbox, she has completed her education from Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics and a qualified Chartered Accountant.

capital expenditure

Understanding the Meaning and Importance of Capital Expenditure

What is Capital Expenditure? Capital expenditure refers to the expenditure done by a business to acquire, upgrade, or maintain long-term assets to increase productivity or capacity. Long-term assets consist of tangible, immovable, non-consumable assets with a useful life of more...

amortized bond

Amortized Bond

When a loan is repaid, the instalments have the interest component first and the principal amount is paid when the loan matures. As opposed to this, amortization is when the instalments contain both the interest component as well as the...

how to claim fixed deposit after death

How to Claim Fixed Deposit After Account Holder’s Death?

Fixed Deposits (FD) have been a popular investment avenue for a long time due to fixed returns and safety. However, it is important to know what happens to the FD amount if the account holder dies. Let's look at the...

dividend reinvestment plan

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

What is a Dividend Reinvestment Plan? A dividend reinvestment plan allows you to reinvest the money you earn through dividends in the mutual fund itself. Through this plan you will receive additional units as dividends, and over time, you can...

flexi cap funds vs multi cap funds

Flexi Cap Funds vs Multi Cap Funds

Equity-oriented mutual funds could be a significant part of your portfolio if you are looking for wealth creation. Within equity-oriented mutual funds, there are other sub-categories of mutual funds, namely Multi-cap Funds and Flexi-cap Funds. Although both the subcategories of...

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mutual funds factsheet

Mutual Funds Factsheet

While investing in a mutual fund, investors may have numerous questions in their minds, and a mutual fund factsheet can answer many of them. A mutual fund factsheet is a comprehensive picture of the fund. What is a Mutual Fund...