Anjana Dhand

Anjana Dhand is a Chartered Accountant who brings over 5 years of experience and a stronghold on finance and income tax. She is a writer by day and reader by night. You can find her churning content at express speed. She is on a mission to stamp out unawareness and uncomplicate boring personal finance blogs to sparkle. Anjana believes in the power of education in making a smart financial decision.

compound interest calculator

Compound Interest Calculator

What is Compound Interest? Compound interest in simple terms means interest on interest. When the principal includes the accumulated interest of the previous periods and interest is calculated on this then they say it’s compound interest. Compounding is done on...

inflation calculator

Inflation Calculator: Future Value Calculator India

What is Inflation? Inflation is a measure of the rate of change in prices of selected goods and services. In simple terms, it is a rise in price levels of goods and services of daily use. It is expressed as...

simple interest

What is Simple Interest – Meaning, Types, Formula

What is simple interest? Simple interest is a method that is used in the calculation of the interest charged on a loan. It is calculated by multiplying the daily interest rate by the principal by the number of days that...

difference between elss fund vs equity funds

ELSS vs Equity Mutual Fund: Difference between ELSS and Equity Mutual Fund

While both are equity mutual funds what is the difference between ELSS and Equity Mutual Fund. So, what is exactly the difference between these 2 investments. To start with we know that both are equity oriented mutual funds. Equity mutual...

cash equity

Cash Equity: Meaning, Benefits

What is Cash Equity? The term cash equity refers to the liquid portion of an investment that can easily be converted into cash. In relation to investing, cash equity refers to the company issuing stocks to the public. It may...

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stamp duty on mutual funds

Stamp Duty on Mutual Funds

If you're a regular investor in mutual funds, there's something you should keep in mind going forward. Stamp duty is now levied on mutual fund acquisitions or transfers. In every country, the government imposes taxes so that they can invest...

sip account

How to Open a SIP Account Online in India?

What is SIP account? When you have decided to invest in best SIP mutual funds, the next step which follows is the way in which investment can be made. You can either invest lump-sum money at any particular time or...

lock in period

Lock in Period

The period during which investments are locked in is called lockin period or lockup period. Investors cannot sell their investments during this period of time. Lock-in period is common to hedge funds, IPOs of private equity, startups and few mutual...