The process to cancel GST registration is as convenient as filing a new GST registration. You can follow a few easy measures and cancel GST registration for reasons like these:
- Shutting down your business
- GST rules are no longer applicable to your business
- The tax officer has called for GST registration cancellation
Let us look at the process of cancelling GST registration in detail.
How to cancel GST registration online?
If you are looking for steps on how to cancel the GST registration, read below:
- Go to the GST portal and log in using your credentials (user ID and password)
- Go to the Services tab on the Dashboard and select ‘Application for Cancellation of Registration’.
- Navigate through the appeared ‘Application of Cancellation of Registration’ form. It has three tabs viz, Basic Details, Cancellation Details and Verification. Please check if the ‘Basic Details’ tab is selected by default.
- The ‘Basic Details’ tab contains your basic details and the place of business address you filled in during the new GST registration.
- You must fill in your ‘Address for Future Correspondence’ here. You can either fill this address manually or tick ‘Address same as above’.
- Once you have chosen the option or entered details, click ‘Save & Continue’.
The ‘Basic Details’ tab would change to blue with a tick mark in the upper right corner. This indicates that you have duly filled in all the required mandatory details.
- Go to the ‘Cancellation Details’ tab.
- In the ‘Reason for Cancellation’ tab, select the reason that applies to you from the drop-down list.
You will see five options in the drop-down menu. These are stated below:
- Change in the constitution of business leading to a change in PAN
- Ceased to be liable to pay tax
- Discontinuance of business / Closure of business
- Others
- Transfer of company on account of amalgamation, consolidation, demerger, sale, lease or otherwise
- If you select the option ‘a’, you must enter details like ‘date from which registration needs to be cancelled’ and the GSTIN of the transferee entity.
- If you select option ‘b or ‘c’, ‘d’, you will have to enter attributes like ‘date from which registration needs to be cancelled’, the value of stock and corresponding tax liability on the stock, offset tax liability payable, medium to pay liability, i.e. the Electronic Credit Ledger or Electronic Cash Ledger, or both and debit entries.
- For option ‘e’, enter details like ‘date from which registration needs to be cancelled’ and GSTIN details of the transferee entity. The GST system would validate the same, and your trade name would be auto-populated based on your business’s legal name.
- Once you have selected the option and filled in all the details, click ‘Save & Continue’.
The second Cancellation Details tab would be marked as completed, and the ‘Verification’ tab would be activated.
- In the ‘Verification’ tab, tick the tick-box stating that nothing is being concealed and all the information furnished by you is true and correct.
- Choose the ‘name of Authorised Signatory’ from the drop-down menu and enter the place where the declaration was made.
- You can proceed with the verification using the DSC or EVC method. For EVC, enter the OTP received on your linked email address and phone number.
Upon successful completion of your cancellation request application, you will receive an ARN (generated by the system) and a ‘Success’ message.
Now, it is up to the tax officials to review and proceed with your request and take the relevant decision.
As stated above, the cancellation process of the GST number is easy to understand and implement.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, you cannot cancel your GST registration before filing returns. So, before you search for ‘how to cancel GST registration India’, ensure all your dues are cleared and returns are filed for your GST.
If you wish to revoke this cancellation request, you can do so from the same portal. By doing this, your GST registration would be reversed, and your GST number would continue to stay valid. You can apply for revocation within 30 days of your cancellation order.
Yes, you can register for GST after cancellation unless and until your GST is cancelled by the tax officer.
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