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GSTR 2B has been recently updated on the GST portal. It was introduced from the August 2020 tax period. It is the Input Tax Credit (ITC) auto-generated statement. The generation of this statement is independent of whether the taxpayer has opted for the Quarterly Return with Monthly Payment (QRMP) or not. The QRMP is for GSTR 1 and GSTR 3 quarterly filing. 

The other GSTR statement, GSTR 2A, changes from time to time. However, the GSTR-2B is a static statement that remains unchanged for a certain period. 

What is GSTR 2B? 

This automatically generated document provides details for Input Tax Credit (ITC) and its eligible and ineligible components. These ITC details are represented in the document-wise format. They are available from the filing date to a month preceding the filing date (M-1). For example, the statement for February 2024 will be generated on the 14th of February 2024. The GSTR-2B statement generated for January 2024 will include documents filed by their suppliers from 12:00 AM on the 12th of January 2024 up to 11:59 PM on the 11th of February 2024. 

The respective GSTR 2B generation timelines can be viewed in the government portal under the ‘View Advisory’ tab. 

What are Part A and Part B of GSTR 2B? 

  • The Part A section summarises ITC available for availing or credit. 
  • The Part B section of the GSTR 2B statement is a list of ITC ineligible tax entries. 

The statement can be downloaded from the GST portal. Two options are available on the portal to view, namely, ‘Summary’ and ‘All Tables’. 

GSTR 2B is for whom? 

GSTR-2B can be generated based on the GSTR 1, GSTR 5 and GSTR 6 details furnished by the seller while filing. The GSTR 2B statement is for the following taxpayer types: 

  • Normal taxpayer 
  • Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
  • Casual taxpayers 

Also Read: Documents Required for GST Registration

What are the salient features of GSTR 2B? 

  • Prevents no documents from being missed and ensures that no ITC inputs are double counted (availed twice). This is done through GSTR 2B reconciliation. 
  • Wherever required, the tax credit is reversed in GSTR 3B as per the GST law. 
  • For all the applicable documents (like import of services), the GST is accurately paid for the reverse charges. 
  • It is an organised statement of GSTR 3B columns or tables where the debit note of the invoice or the ITC should be considered.  

Also Read: GST in India

What is the difference between GSTR 2A and 2B?

Please refer to the table below for the difference between GSTR 2A and 2B. 

Comparison ParametersGSTR 2BGSTR 2A
Statement PurposeIt is a constant automatically generated statement. GSTR 2B provides the ITC attributes to every recipient of stores based on the suppliers’ data for each and every tax period.An automatically generated statement, ITC details to every recipient of supplies, based on suppliers’ data, including changes made later.
Statement NatureThe nature of the document is static. The GSTR-2B, for one month, cannot change based on the later actions of the supplier.The nature of the statement is dynamic. It changes daily based on the supplier reports on the documents.
Frequency of AvailabilityMonthlyMonthly
Information SourceGSTR-1 or IFF*, GSTR-5, GSTR-6, ICESGSTR-1 or IFF*, GSTR-5, GSTR-6, GSTR-7, GSTR-8, ICES
Input Tax Credit (ITC) Claims AdvisoryIt consists of an advisory against each section. This is applicable whether the ITC is eligible, ineligible or reversal for the buyer or taxpayer to take action accordingly in their GSTR-3B.It doesn’t consist of advisory or information on the action a GST-registered buyer needs to take.
When will the ITC entry get transferred from the sources?GSTR-1, GSTR-5, or GSTR-6: FiledGSTR-1: Saved, filed, or submitted
GSTR-6: Submitted 
GSTR-7 and GSTR-8: Filed
The cut-off date for entries for viewing the statement for a tax periodCut-off dates are the 11th or the 13th of the next month (depending on the return filing revisions)

The report will be developed on the following month’s 14th date.
It is a dynamic statement. Therefore, the cut-off date, etc, is not applicable.
Max ITC entries that can be viewed on the GST portal without Excel download.A Total of 1000 rowsA Total of 500 rows


GSTR 2B is a newly launched, comprehensive ITC statement auto-generated with the seller’s GSTR filing. It also offers the taxpayers advisory for each ITC section classification and taxpayer action. It displays document-wise details to view or download with amendments.

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