Meaning & Definition

stock exchanges in india

Stock Exchanges in India: Know the Types of Stock Exchange

What is Stock Exchange? A stock market is a place where the shares of publicly listed companies are traded. It originated in India at the end of the 18th century when a lot of negotiable instruments were introduced in the...

nri account

What is NRI Account? Types, Advantages & How to Open

A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) account can be opened by an NRI or PIO with any authorized bank in India. In India, there are three types of NRI accounts, namely, NRE account, NRO account, and FCNR account. This article covers NRI...

nifty bees

What is Nifty Bees? Meaning, Best Nifty Bees, and How to Invest

Nifty BeEs is an exchange-traded fund that replicates the S&P CNX Nifty Index. It is the first ETF introduced by the benchmark in 2002 January. It trades on the National Stock Exchange and hence can be bought or sold in...


What is Redeemable Debt? Understanding Redeemable and Irredeemable Debt

What is a redeemable security? Redeemable security is the one which can be liquidated into cash by the issuer at investor's request. The most common redeemable security available in the market is the open-ended mutual fund. Any open-ended mutual fund...

balance sheet

What is a Balance Sheet? Meaning, Importance & How to Prepare

What is a balance sheet? A balance sheet is a statement of assets, liabilities and capital of an organisation as on a particular date. In short, it shows what a company owns and owes. Additionally, it shows the amount invested...

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cost of living

Cost of Living in Major Indian Cities in 2025: Your Guide

Which city in India has the lowest cost of living? With work from home becoming a new factor, shifting to new places to save up on living costs is being considered as an option. While people in Mumbai usually complain...

financial literacy

What is Financial Literacy? Meaning, Importance, and Why It Matters

Financial literacy is the ability to manage one's money. The goal of financial literacy is to help in understanding financial concepts that will help them to manage their money better. It is a life skill that one must grasp for...

operating margin ratio

What is Operating Profit Ratio & How to Calculate It?

What is Operating Profit Ratio? The operating profit ratio is the amount of money a company makes from its operations. It demonstrates the financial sustainability of a company's basic operations prior to any financial or tax-related repercussions. As a result,...