Indians are losing Rs 16,500 on average to cyber crime
Considering how much we all spend online, cyber crime is something that should worry most of us. A recent report by the cyber security company Norton revealed that we might be losing Rs. 16,500 to online crime. While this number is lower than the global average of Rs. 24,000, it is not a cause for celebration.
What is more worrying is that almost 1 in 2 online Indians, have either faced credit card fraud themselves or know someone who has. 60% of online Indians are worried about online crime hitting them, and most of them feel it is riskier to share their passwords with their friends than their cars!
While awareness about online crime is there, most of us don’t even manage passwords effectively. One in four Indians confesses to sharing their passwords recklessly. This behaviour is not going to be helpful if we are going to be using online payment systems more.
What should you do?
Do an audit of all your passwords to various payment sites. Your online banking password should not be easy to guess. Don’t use the same password for sensitive sites where you transact often. Don’t share your passwords with anyone.
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