Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
Companies use different financial tools to help them understand their progress and calculate their profit or losses. Also, such tools help investors decide if a company is good to invest in. Accounting ratios are one of the financial ratios that...
No Exit Load Mutual Funds
Exit load is a fee that a mutual fund house charges the investor when they exit the scheme or redeem their units. The main motive behind charging a fee is to discourage investors from exiting the scheme early. Mostly, funds...
Gross Margin vs Net Margin
A company’s financial statement has all the financial information required to analyse its financial health. Experts, analysts, investors or lenders use this information to understand a company’s performance. Thus, they interpret this information with different financial tools and methodologies. One...
Bulk Deals by Mutual Funds
What are Bulk Deals by Mutual Funds? A Bulk deal is a transaction where an investor buys or sells more than 0.5% of outstanding equity shares of a listed company on a stock exchange. The 0.5% quantity can happen through...
Will Mutual Fund Investment Drop to Zero Ever?
Will mutual fund investment drop to zero ever? This question is the worst nightmare for any investor. Be it a newbie or a veteran. Be it any investment, the possibility of it losing value is quite normal. Theoretically, investments can...
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How to Increase SIP Amount in 2024 – Strategy
Annual appraisals have begun and most of you’ll have already planned on how to spend that extra bucks from the salary hike. For those who are not keen on spending that amount, must’ve planned on investing it. The investing clan...
History of Mutual Funds in India
A mutual fund is a pool of money collected from investors with a common goal. The company invests this pool of money in several financial instruments such as bonds, stocks, etc. This company is the Asset Management Company (AMC), managing...