Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap
Meaning of Mutual Fund Portfolio A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from investors and invests in purchasing assets like equity, bonds, government securities and other securities. The mutual fund portfolio is designed to match its investment...
Custodian in Mutual Fund
Mutual funds are gaining importance and have become a preferred investment option among investors. There is convenience and ease of investing and tracking the mutual fund investments. A mutual fund organisation aims to trade in stocks, bonds and other securities...
Tracking Error in Index Funds
Are you looking for a passive investment fund for your financial goals? Are you looking for returns that match the stock market? Then index funds can serve your purpose. This is a passive mutual fund that tracks and replicates the...
Offshore Funds
What are Offshore Funds? Offshore funds are mutual funds that invest across overseas markets - multinational and international corporations. Hence, they are also commonly referred to as international funds or foreign funds. Additionally, they may invest in fixed income assets...
R Squared
What is R Squared? R-Squared measures the extent of variation in the dependent variable due to the independent variable. In other words, it tells how much a variable's performance can be due to the behaviour of another variable. The value...
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Hedge Fund Manager
A hedge fund manager is a person who manages the hedge fund. They oversee the operations of the fund. Moreover, they are responsible for the performance of the fund and protecting investor’s assets. This article covers hedge fund manager’s roles...
Smart Beta Funds
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are pooled marketable securities that function very similarly to mutual funds. Unlike mutual funds, you can buy and sell exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the stock exchange, similar to conventional stocks. A smart beta ETF expands on a...
Expense Ratio
What is Expense Ratio in Mutual Fund? The expense ratio or annual fund operating expenses is a ratio that measures the per-unit cost of managing a fund. Simply put, it is a ratio of the fund’s total expenses and it’s...