Absolute Return: Meaning, Formula and Calculation Procedure
Investors would want to periodically check how much their investment has grown or how much a potential investment would give. With technological advancements, one can easily use online calculators to estimate their returns. However, having the knowledge on calculating mutual...

Bonds vs Debt Funds: Understanding Debt Mutual Funds vs Bonds
What are Bonds? Bonds are fixed-income instruments that generate stable returns for investors. Furthermore, a bond issuer issues bonds for a predetermined duration and promises to pay regular interest. What are Debt Mutual Funds? Debt mutual funds invest across various...

Will Mutual Fund Investment Drop to Zero Ever?
Will mutual fund investment drop to zero ever? This question is the worst nightmare for any investor. Be it a newbie or a veteran. Be it any investment, the possibility of it losing value is quite normal. Theoretically, investments can...

Understanding Mutual Funds with No Exit Load
Exit load is a fee that a mutual fund house charges the investor when they exit the scheme or redeem their units. The main motive behind charging a fee is to discourage investors from exiting the scheme early. Mostly, funds...

Best Inspirational Mutual Fund Investment Quotes in 2025
1. Don’t put all your eggs in a basket. The investment quote signifies diversification. In simple terms, it means one has to spread their risk. There is risk involved in every investment. The risk only amplifies if all the money...
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Standard Deviation in Mutual Fund: Meaning, Importance & Calculation
What is Standard Deviation in Mutual Fund? A standard deviation is a statistical tool that helps measure the deviation in portfolio returns from its average. The standard deviation has wide use in determining the risk of an investment. It is...

HDFC Dream SIP: Know Everything About HDFC Dream SI scheme
What is HDFC Dream SIP? The HDFC Dream SIP integrates both HDFC Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) and Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWAP) into a single program. The primary goal of this initiative is to enable investors to achieve their financial objectives....

Exit Load in Mutual Funds: Meaning & Calculation
What is Exit Load? Exit Load refers to an exit penalty or commission to the fund-house if an investor exits the fund during the lock-in period. The expense ratio and exit load are different. Therefore, before investing in a mutual...