Mutual Fund Riskometer
What is Riskometer in Mutual Fund? Like all other investment vehicles, mutual funds include some degree of risk. Prior to investing, it is critical to weigh these risks. A mutual fund riskometer can assist you with it. Typically, investment decisions...

Mutual Funds Sahi Hai
'Mutual Fund Sahi Hai' campaign launched in March 2017 by AMFI. The campaign promotes exactly what it states 'mutual funds are the right choice.' The aim of the campaign was to promote mutual funds and educate investors. The campaign is...

L&T Mutual Fund Merged With HSBC Mutual Fund
HSBC Securities and Capital Markets (India) Private Limited (HSCI), the sponsor of HSBC Mutual Fund, along with HSBC Asset Management (India) Private Limited (HSBC AMC) and the Board of Trustees of HSBC Mutual Fund (HSBC Trustees), have entered into a...

Automobile Sector Mutual Fund: Know About Auto Sector Mutual Funds
What are Auto Mutual Funds in India? Auto sector mutual funds are thematic mutual funds that invest across automobile manufacturers (2, 3 and 4 wheelers) auto ancillaries. There are currently two Auto ETF schemes and one transportation and logistics mutual...

Union Multicap Fund NFO Review
Union Mutual Fund is launching a new multi cap fund, Union Multicap Fund, that offers a diversified portfolio by investing across market caps.The New Fund Offer (NFO) period for the Union Multicap Fund is from 28th November 2022, to 12th...
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Top 7 Financial Planning For Couple
Just married? Or figuring out financial goals as a couple? As a couple, it’s obvious that financial planning in the last thing on your mind, while you are still enjoying euphoria. Going on vacations, dinner dates, movies, parties etc. are...

How do Mutual Funds work in India?
The most common advice one receives when the topic of investments comes up is this: if you start investing in mutual funds, you will get rich! But for some reason, nobody seems to have a clear answer to the ever so common question of how mutual funds work? We’ll address that topic today.

What Is the Difference Between Saving and Investing?
Saving and investing should begin right from the time one starts earning. Many confuse savings with investing. However, both are very different. When one saves money, they set aside some amount for emergencies or future use. They do not earn...