Tax Information Network – How to Apply for PAN with TIN?
What is a tax information network TIN? With the advancement of technology, the income tax department has been constantly working on leveraging the technology in order to provide smooth services to the taxpayers. Keeping this in mind, the department launched...
Taxes in India – Type, Process & FAQ
Taxation is an important source of revenue for any government. This helps in the economic growth of a country along with infrastructure development in a country. The constitution of India gives the authority to the government of India to collect...
Tax Exemption Vs Tax Deduction Vs Tax Rebate
Difference between Tax Exemption, Tax Deduction and Tax Rebate Tax is the biggest worry for most of us. Like me, there are many who do not understand the process and are worried about how to get through this during this...
Tax Evasion
What is Tax Evasion? Any action intended to conceal, understate, or fraudulently disclose income to lower your income tax liability is considered tax evasion. Tax evasion includes failure in paying taxes on time or paying less than the actual tax...
Tax Avoidance
What is Tax Avoidance? Tax avoidance refers to the use of legal means to avoid paying tax. This is majorly dependent on the tax laws of a specific country and the various provisions of the taxation laws in that country....
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Income Tax Audit under Section 44AB of Income Tax Act
What is an income tax audit under section 44AB? In India, various laws govern different types of audits like statutory audit, stock audit, cost audit. The core purpose of these audits is to ensure that the books of accounts are...
Superannuation is a retirement benefit and potentially a good way for an employee to plan their financial security. Employers also offer other retirement savings schemes such as provident funds, gratuity, or National Pension System (NPS). Here we will help you...
Standard Deduction
What is the Standard Deduction in Income Tax? The standard deduction is beneficial for both the employers and salaried employees. For the employers, it would result in less administrative efforts in the processing of transport and medical bills. For the...