Income Tax Guides

Tax on leave encashment on retirement for psu, bank, private employees

Tax on Leave Encashment for Government (PSU, BanK) & Private Employees

Every employee receives certain types of leaves throughout the year till they are in a company. Popular types of leaves are sick leaves, casual leaves, ordinary leaves, maternity leaves, earned leaves and others. You can carry forward some of these...

form 15g

Form 15 G: Meaning, Status, Filling Process

Form 15G is a self-declaration form submitted by the assessee to ensure no deduction of TDS on interest income earned in the financial year. The tax on total income must be nil along with a few other conditions. You can...

long term capital gain on shares

Long Term Capital Gain Tax on Shares (with indexation) in India

What is Long Term Capital Gain Tax on Shares? A long term capital gain on shares arises if a taxpayer sells any unit of shares. The tax liability arises on the sale of shares. Such a transfer or transaction is...

tax on rd

Tax on RD Interest: RD Tax Rates, Exemptions & Maturity Rules

Recurring deposits or RDs are similar to FDs; however, they are more flexible than FDs. Investors can invest a certain amount every month into their RD account from their savings bank account. Investors will receive guaranteed interest from banks which...

scripbox logo

Income From Salary

For a salaried employee, the income from salary and its tax treatment is of utmost importance. This is because a mere misplanning can lead to either a higher deduction of TDS or higher tax liability. For this purpose, you must...

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salary slip

Salary Slip: Format, Download Online

What is Salary Slip? A salary slip or payslip is a document issued monthly by an employer to its employees. A salary slip contains a detailed breakdown of employee salary and deductions for a given period. This document can be either...

Learn about 15CA form and 15CB form and their applicability

All about Form 15CA and 15CB

Form 15CA and 15CB are crucial documents under the Income Tax Act for foreign remittance compliance. 15CA and 15CB act only when the taxpayer has paid to a non-resident or a foreign entity. Form 15CA and Form 15CB focus on...

What is assessment in gst and their types

Assessment in GST: Learn About the GST Assessment Procedure

One of the many benefits of the GST regime is the assessment and self-assessment of GST. These processes are introduced to facilitate ease of calculation, tax-paying simplicity and global competitiveness promotion.  Let us understand the meaning of self-assessment and assessment...