Both Axis Bluechip Fund (G) and SBI Bluechip Fund (G) belongs to Large Cap. Compare returns, expense ratio, risk, and portfolio performance. The 3Y return for Axis Bluechip Fund (G) and SBI Bluechip Fund (G) is 9.399% and 14.655% check other parameters to pick the right fund.
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The category has a superior investment outlook
The category has a superior investment outlook
₹ 35451.9 Cr
The fund has been a Category Leader on the Fund Size metric
₹ 51632.7 Cr
The fund has been a Category Leader on the Fund Size metric
Ashish Naik
Krishnaa Narayan
Shreyash Devalkar
Pradeep Kesavan
Saurabh Pant
Ashish Naik
Krishnaa Narayan
Shreyash Devalkar
Pradeep Kesavan
Saurabh Pant
The scheme aims to generate long term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio predominantly consisting of equity & equity related instruments of large cap companies.
The scheme seeks to provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital through an active management of investments in a diversified basket of large cap equity stocks (as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time).
This SIP Calculator helps you to know your returns. Fund returns are listed below based on the input.
with step-up of
16.07% (5Y)
19.12% (5Y)
₹ 7,32,612
₹ 7,32,612
₹ 3,62,320
₹ 4,55,434
₹ 10,94,932
₹ 11,88,046
16.07% (5Y)
CAGR Returns₹ 7,32,612
Total Investment₹ 3,62,320
Wealth Gained₹ 10,94,932
Total Corpus Created With assumed returns of %19.12% (5Y)
CAGR Returns₹ 7,32,612
Total Investment₹ 4,55,434
Wealth Gained₹ 11,88,046
Total Corpus Created With assumed returns of %Hdfc bank ltd.
8.71%Icici bank ltd.
7.73%Reliance industries ltd.
6.31%Avenue supermarts ltd.
4.97%Tata consultancy services ltd.
4.92%Hdfc bank ltd.
7.709%Icici bank ltd.
6.875%Infosys ltd.
4.995%Itc ltd.
4.862%Larsen & toubro ltd.
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Axis Bluechip Fund (G)
Large Cap
SBI Bluechip Fund (G)
Large Cap
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