Your long-term financial goals require you to invest where the return beats inflation
This is proven to be shares of companies
This is proven to be shares of companies
Your short-term goals require you to invest where you get a more certain return
This is typically done by investing in bonds (government or corporate)
This is typically done by investing in bonds (government or corporate)
For both types of investments, mutual funds are the best choice for you
Professionals make
investment decisions
investment decisions
Regulators keep an
eye on them
eye on them
Their decisions
are public
are public
It's easy to invest and withdraw;
no chasing for refunds
no chasing for refunds
You can invest small amounts
and start with Rs. 1,000
and start with Rs. 1,000
In most cases you
pay lower taxes
pay lower taxes
Choosing the right funds from over 6000+ funds is complicated
We do this for you through a disciplined investment process
We pick funds with care and without bias
We monitor and review our selection periodically
We watch out for taxes
and exit loads
and exit loads
We help you keep sight
of your goals
of your goals