If you have a goal, We have a plan for it.


Get a portfolio that’s invested in you.

Invest for your Life Goals.

Frequently asked questions

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Why should I invest through Scripbox?

  • Goal-oriented Investing: Scripbox helps you plan and invest for various life goals, whether it's retirement, child education, buying a home, or more.
  • Growth Strategy: We offer different strategies that match your preferred growth style, whether you seek active growth, balanced growth, or a safer approach.
  • Portfolio Reviews: Our automated quarterly portfolio reviews ensure that you stay on track to achieve your goals on time.
  • Smart Tax-efficient Withdrawals: Benefit from our smart withdrawal feature, which helps you optimise your withdrawals in a tax-efficient manner.

Why should I invest in a plan?

Investing with a clear goal helps you make better decisions. Diversification is key when building a mutual funds portfolio. Instead of relying on just one fund, having a portfolio with different types of investments is important to reduce risk. Considering factors like growth, liquidity, and risk, an asset allocation approach provides a comprehensive strategy to reach your investment goals. At Scripbox, we believe in the power of investing for a well-defined goal with a diversified portfolio to make your investment journey successful.

How does Scripbox earn money?

Glad you asked. No fees, no hidden charges. We earn a small fee from the mutual fund companies. The exact commissions are on our Disclosures page, and you can see that it does not influence our fund recommendations.