New Mutual Fund Taxation 2023

Table summarising taxation

STCG: Marginal Tax Rate LTCG: Marginal Tax Rate Applicable to: All Debt Funds, Fund of Funds, Gold ETF, International Funds & Conservative Hybrid Funds

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If Equity Allocation is less than 35%

STCG: Marginal Tax Rate LTCG: Marginal Tax Rate Applicable to: Balanced Hybrid Funds

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If Equity Allocation is between 35% to 65%

STCG: 15% without indexation benefit LTCG: 10% on capital gains above INR 1 Lakh (holding period > 1 year) Applicable to: All Domestic Equity Funds, Equity Savings Funds, Arbitrage Funds & Aggressive Hybrid Funds

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If Equity Allocation is more than 65%

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